Smallest Particle Of An Element

What is the smallest particle of a compound?

An atom is the smallest particle of any element, whereas, a molecule is formed when two or more atoms are held together with the help of a chemical bond. It is possible for atoms to either exist or not exist independently. However, molecules always exist independently or in a free state. American Elements specializes in producing high purity Aluminum Particles with the smallest possible average grain sizes for use in preparation of pressed and bonded sputtering targets and in Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) and Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) processes including Thermal and Electron Beam (E-Beam) Evaporation, Low Temperature Organic Evaporation, Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD). What is the smallest particle of an element that retains the characteristics of that element? Atom: A type of matter that has a fixed/definite composition: Pure Matter: What are the 2 different categories of pure matter? Elements and Compounds: The type of matter that is composed of only ONE type of atom. It cannot be broken down into simpler substances.

Smallest Particle Of An ElementSmallest

1 Answer

The smallest particle of a compound which is capable of existing on its own is a Molecule- not an atom.


A compound can be broken down into molecules. To be specific,a molecular compound can be broken down into molecules and ionic compounds can be broken down into units,which you can consider as molecules of an ionic compound. The smallest particle of a compound capable of existing on its own is a Molecule-not a atom. An atom is the smallest particle capable of existing on its own of an ELEMENT. And yes,atoms can be further broken down into electrons,neutrons and protons.
Electrons are indivisible.
Protons and neutrons can be further divided into quarks.
Quarks are indivisible.
Since quarks and electrons are indivisible,they are called fundamental units. Note: Quarks,electons,protons,neutrons are incapable of individual existance.

Smallest Particle Of An Element

Smallest particle of an element that retains its properties

Smallest Particle Of An Element Crossword

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