

The LsarOpenPolicy method is exactly the same as LsarOpenPolicy2,except that the SystemName parameter in this function, because of itssyntactic definition, contains only one character instead of a full string. ThisSystemName parameter does not have any effect on message processing inany environment. It MUST be ignored.

SystemName: This parameter does not have anyeffect on message processing in any environment. It MUST be ignored on receipt.

ObjectAttributes: This parameter does not haveany effect on message processing in any environment. All fields MUST<55> be ignored except RootDirectory,which MUST be NULL.

DesiredAccess: An ACCESS_MASK valuethat specifies the requested access rights that MUST be granted on the returnedPolicyHandle, if the request is successful.

  • The bottom-line is that if WMI is not returning the SystemName parameter, there is nothing PowerShell can do about it. But to troubleshoot it properly, you need a tool like WMIExplorer to examine the properties on each instance of win32volume.
  • Use as SystemName.lookupaVal to get the enumeration that corresponds to a value. In non-realtime environments, the prefered method is getEnumerationForValue.

What is a system name instance in Pega? What are the different ways to create a new system name and how to set the system name as default? SystemName Label DriveLetter - - - COOKHAM24 Grateful Dead M: Changing Drive Letter. To change the drive letter for a volume, you use Set-CimInstance to change the drive letter, like this. IBM Navigator for i is a Web console interface where you can perform the key tasks to administer your IBM i. IBM Navigator for i supports the vast majority of tasks that are available in the System i Navigator Windows client application. However, unlike the Windows client application, nothing needs to be installed on your workstation to use IBM Navigator for i.

PolicyHandle: An RPC context handle(as specified in section thatrepresents a reference to the abstract data model of a policy object, asspecified in section


The processing is the same as for LsarOpenPolicy2.LsarOpenPolicy2 supersedes this message and MUST be used when possible.

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Table T000


BW sourcesystem connection is working with the logical systemname.

A connection between two systems with the same logical systemname will not work.


Includes all connection between BW and a sourcesystem. It is not recommended to change the table manually. The important fields are the following


SLOGSYS = logical sytemname of the sending system according to table T000

RLOGSYS = logical systemname of the receiving system according to table T000

Remark: for the myself connection SLOGSYS and RLOGSYS are the same

OBJSTAT = should be A

BIDOCTYP = generated by system in case you create a connection

TSPREFIX = those two letters are part of the field BIDOCTYP. The prefix which identifies the sourcesystem connection are used in several sourcesystem dependent objects and therefore it is not recommended to change the entry manually.

SRCTYPE = which kind of sourcesytem

possible types

3SAP sourcesystem
Dother BW system
B external system (Partners)
G DB connect
SUD connect
I Web Service


If you want to use another RFC connection than the logical systemname you can use this table for mapping

That means in the example above the RFC connection DEV_RFC will be used for a RFC call to logical system DEV_100.



This table is maintained in the target system of a transport and provides a mapping for the transport of source-system-dependent objects in BW systems. It maps the source system of the BW where the transport was created to the source system of the BW where the transport is to be imported. This means that it usually maps the source-system-dependent objects of source-DEV to source-TEST or source-PROD.).


In order to maintain this table: Call transaction RSA1 --> Transport connection --> select button CONVERSION . Or use the view maintenance V_RSLOGSYSMAP in transaction sm30.

System Names

LOGSYSORG: Sourcesytem of the transport BW source system
LOGSYSNEW: Sourceystem of the transport BW target system
ONLYNEW: only necessary in case you need 7.X for mulitple sourcesystems

System Name In Centos